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Laryngeal photobiomodulation: application sites, interferences from body mass index and skin phototype

Elisa Meiti Ribeiro Lin Plec; Viviane Souza Bicalho Bacelete; Marco Aurélio Rocha Santos; Ana Cristina Côrtes Gama

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ABSTRACT: Purpose: Establish points on the neck, correspondent to the laryngeal topography, where to apply Low Level Light therapy (LLLT), to evaluate the incidence of light through variables such as skin phototype and body mass index (BMI).

Methods: This is a cross-sectional, analytical, observational study, carried out with 15 vocally healthy women, between 18 and 50 years of age, who were divided into three groups, according to BMI and skin phototype. Six anatomical reference points were established to locate the larynx and its musculature, with visual monitoring by videonasolaryngoscopy, to assess light reach (present/absent) and degree of illumination (from very weak to very strong) in the larynx during the LASER application at doses of 3J, 6J and 9J. A flexible endoscope was used for visual monitoring during the LASER application, and subsequent image analysis.

Results: The light reached the larynx at doses of 3J, 6J and 9J, in the anterior commissure of the vocal folds, membranous (thyroarytenoid muscle) and cartilaginous portions of the vocal fold and the cricothyroid muscle. The degree of LASER light illumination decreased in overweight and obese participants and increased in moderate brown and dark brown skin phototypes.

Conclusion: Data suggest that the LLLT penetrates differently according to skin phototype and BMI, being more evident in individuals with Fitzpatrick IV and V phototypes and less evident with higher BMI levels. The evidence that the LASER light reaches the larynx in specific anatomical points provides direction for the standardization of its use in voice practice.


Anatomy, Larynx, Low Level Light Therapy, Voice, Laser Therapy


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