Escala de Coping para Fala em Público (ECOFAP): evidências de validade de conteúdo e processos de resposta
Speaking in Public Coping Scale (ECOFAP): content and response process validity evidence
Anna Carolina Ferreira Marinho; Adriane Mesquita de Medeiros; Eduardo de Paula Lima; Letícia Caldas Teixeira
Purpose: To present the content and response process validity evidence of the Speaking in Public Coping of Scale (ECOFAP).
Methods: A methodological study to develop and validate the instrument. It followed the instrument development method with theoretical, empirical, and analytical procedures, based on the validity criteria of the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing (SEPT). The process of obtaining content validity evidence had two stages: 1) conceptual definition of the construct, based on theoretical precepts of speaking in public and the Motivational Theory of Coping (MTC); 2) developing items and response keys, structuring the instrument, assessment by a committee with 10 specialists, restructuring scale items, and developing the ECOFAP pilot version. Item representativity was analyzed through the item content validity index. The response process was conducted in a single stage with a convenience sample of 30 people with and without difficulties speaking in public, from the campus of a Brazilian university, belonging to various social and professional strata. In this process, the respondents’ verbal and nonverbal reactions were qualitatively analyzed.
Results: The initial version of ECOFAP, consisting of 46 items, was evaluated by judges and later reformulated, resulting in a second version with 60 items. This second version was again submitted for expert analysis, and the content validity index per item was calculated. 18 items were excluded, resulting in a third version of 42 items. The validity evidence based on the response processes of the 42-item version was applied to a sample of 30 individuals, resulting in the rewriting of one item and the inclusion of six more items, resulting in the pilot version of ECOFAP with 48 items.
Conclusion: ECOFAP pilot version has items with well-structured semantics and syntactic, representing strategies to cope with speaking in public.
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