Utilização de dispositivos digitais, funcionamento familiar e desenvolvimento da linguagem em crianças de idade pré-escolar: um estudo transversal
Use of digital devices, family functioning, and language development in preschool children: a cross-sectional study
Maria Inês Figueiras Gomes; Marisa Lobo Lousada; Daniela Maria Pias de Figueiredo
Purpose: This study aimed to analyse the relationship between the use of digital devices, family function, and language development in preschool children.
Methods: This cross-sectional, descriptive-correlational study included a sample of 93 parent–child dyads. The children were of an average age of 57.01 ± 9.95 months, and the majority were female. The data collection instruments included a questionnaire on the use of digital devices, the Portuguese version of the Family Flexibility and Cohesion Evaluation Scale – Version IV (FACES-IV), and a Preschool Language Test (TL-ALPE).
Results: The findings showed a greater tendency of children to use smartphones, tablets, and television for 0–3 hours daily. The analysis of the responses on the FACES-IV and TL-ALPE instruments showed that most of the participating families were of the balanced type and that most children had normal language development. Statistically significant relationships were found between the FACES-IV subscales and TL-ALPE subtests, FACES-IV subscales and the use of digital devices, and the use of digital devices and TL-ALPE subtests. Notably, children in more balanced family functioning scored higher on TL-ALPE tests, and the time spent using digital devices may compromise language development.
Conclusion: This study highlights the impact of digital device use and the role of family functioning on children’s language development, suggesting that moderate digital device use and balanced family functioning are facilitating factors for good language development.
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