Instrumento de Avaliação Fonológica: evidências de validade de conteúdo e de processos de resposta
Phonological Assessment Instrument: evidence of content validity and response processes
Ana Carolina Sartori Bernardi; Camila Botura; Giovana Sopezack Alves; Letícia Pacheco Ribas
Purpose: to demonstrate the validity of content and the validity of response processes of an instrument intended for the phonological assessment of children.
Methods: validation was carried out in two stages by two different groups of judges, a group of specialists and a group of non-specialists. The first group, composed of three expert judges, evaluated the 123 lexical items after creating the instrument, judging the applicability of the figures in the context of child assessment, and suggesting adjustments to compose the content. From the observations, the instrument was adapted and directed to the group of non-specialist judges who, through the application of the instrument, had their responses evaluated according to the ease or difficulty of eliciting the instrument’s items.
Results: The predictions obtained positive results for content validity and response processes.
Conclusion: the study allowed to improve the test items more judiciously, benefiting clinical and scientific use.
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