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Unilateral hearing loss: benefit of amplification in sound localization, temporal ordering and resolution

Maria Fernanda Capoani Garcia Mondelli; Marina De Marchi dos Santos; Mariza Ribeiro Feniman.

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Purpose: To assess the hearing abilities of temporal ordering, temporal resolution and sound localization before and after the fitting of a hearing aid (HA) in individuals with unilateral hearing loss (UHL). Methods: There were evaluated 22 subjects, aged 18 to 60 years, diagnosed with sensorineural or mixed UHL, from mild to severe degrees. The study was divided into two stages: the pre and post-adaptation of HA. In both phases, subjects performed an interview, application of Questionnaire for Disabilities Associated with Impaired Auditory Localization, auditory processing screening protocol (APSP) and Random Gap Detection Test (RGDT). Results: This study found no statistically significant difference in sound localization and memory evaluations for verbal sounds in sequence, in RGDT and Questionnaire for Disabilities Associated with Impaired Auditory Localization. Conclusion: With the effective use of hearing aids, individuals with UHL showed improvement in the auditory abilities of sound localization, ordering and temporal resolution.


Hearing Aid; Unilateral Hearing Loss; Adult; Localization; Abilities


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