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Activity ordering task: conceptualization and development of a novel context-based working memory task with a metacognitive facet

Nidhi Lalu Jacob; Gagan Bajaj; Aysha Rooha; Vinitha Mary George; Jayashree S. Bhat

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ABSTRACT: Purpose: The aim of the present study was to conceptualize and develop a novel context-based working memory (WM) task which would possess the potential to assess the context-based WM in an Indian scenario and incorporate a task-linked metacognitive facet to understand an individual's self-perception of performance.

Methods: Employing the ADDIE instructional design model, comprising Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation phases, the present study focused on the initial four phases. In the Analysis-phase, the needs and objectives for creating a context-based WM task were identified. Design-phase included task conceptualization and content validation of the conceptualized context-based WM task. In the Develop-phase, the designed context-based WM task was developed in an animated video format. Five content experts and fifteen lay experts were involved in the content validation process. In the Implementation-phase, a pilot study was done on ten adults to assess the feasibility of the novel context-based WM task.

Results: The task obtained good content validation index and understandability scores on the Patient Education Materials Assessment Tool. Preliminary data trends from the implementation-phase revealed the task's potential to detect age-related WM differences. Significantly correlated with established WM tasks, the novel Activity Ordering Task (AOT) effectively measured WM-spans. Observed discrepancies between performance and prediction/postdiction spans during metacognitive facet administration highlighted the AOT's utility in evaluating metacognition.

Conclusion: Addressing the limitations of context in traditional tasks, the AOT appears to be a promising tool that not only measures WM but also assesses metacognition, thereby enhancing its utility beyond an everyday WM assessment.


Everyday Working Memory, Activity Ordering Task, Metacognition, Indian Adults, Context-based Task


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