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Development of a Comprehensive Cough Therapy Program (CCTP) for chronic cough in India: a qualitative study

Yamini Venkatraman; Vishak Acharya; Sindhu Kamath; Dhanshree Rajesh Gunjawate; Malavika Anakkathil Anil; Ajithesha Neriya Hegade; Radish Kumar Balasubramanium

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ABSTRACT: Purpose: Chronic Cough (CC) is an emerging area of practice in speech language pathology. Behavioral treatment for managing CC has gained attention in the recent past. This study aimed to devise a comprehensive behavioural therapy program for CC by involving allied health professionals (AHPs), who are typically involved in management of CC.

Methods: A qualitative methodology was used to devise a behavioral treatment module for CC. Practice patterns of medical professionals, AHPs and yoga practitioners for CC were gathered through semi-structured interviews. A constant comparative framework was used to recruit participants until data saturation was achieved. The interview transcripts were analyzed to identify relevant components for the module. A post-interview survey was conducted to finalize the module through a consensus-based approach.

Results: Three themes and respective sub-themes were identified from analysis. The module was developed based on the treatment strategies followed by professionals and was labeled ‘Comprehensive Cough Therapy Program (CCTP)’. This comprised four components – similar to what is available in literature – patient education, breathing exercises, laryngeal hydration, and cough control strategies. This was devised using inputs from the interviews and evidence in the literature.

Conclusion: In line with global guidelines, this behavioral treatment module can serve as a possible management option for CC.


Chronic Cough, Behavioral Treatment, Interprofessional Collaboration, Refractory, Qualitative Research


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