Evidências de validade e fidedignidade do Teste de Fala Comprimida com Figuras
Evidence of validity and reliability of the Compressed Speech Test with Figures
Taissane Rodrigues Sanguebuche; Karina Carlesso Pagliarin; Bruna Pias Peixe; Denis Altieri de Oliveira Moraes; Michele Vargas Garcia
Purpose: To seek evidence of validity and reliability for the Compressed Speech Test with Figures.
Methods: The study was subdivided into three stages: construct validation, criteria and reliability. All participants were aged between 6:00 and 8:11. For the construct, Compressed Speech with Figures and the gold standard Adapted Compressed Speech test were applied to children with typical phonological development. For criterion analysis, Compressed Speech with Figures was applied in two groups, with typical (G1) and atypical (G2) phonological development. Finally, the application protocols underwent analysis by two Speech Therapists, with experience in the area of Central Auditory Processing, seeking to obtain an inter-evaluator reliability analysis.
Results: The correlation test indicated an almost perfect construct (correlation 0.843 for the right ear and 0.823 for the left ear). In the criterion analysis, it was noticed that both groups presented satisfactory results (G1 = 99.6 to 100%; G2 = 96 to 96.5%). The reliability analysis demonstrated that the protocol is easy to analyze, as both professionals presented unanimous responses.
Conclusion: It was possible to obtain evidence of validity and reliability for the Compressed Speech with Figures instrument. The construct analysis showed that the instrument measures the same variable as the gold standard test, with an almost perfect correlation. In the criterion analysis, both groups presented similar performance, demonstrating that the instrument does not seem to differentiate populations with and without mild phonological disorder. The inter-evaluator reliability analysis demonstrated that the protocol is easy to analyze and score.
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