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A Sentence Repetition Task in Spanish language: a valid tool for early language assessment

Natalia Bravo Cerro; Miguel Lázaro López-Villaseñor; Irene Rujas Pascual; Sonia Mariscal Altares

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Sentence Repetition Tasks (SRT) have been widely used to assess early language abilities in different languages and populations. In addition, it has been proved that performance in SRTs serve as a clinical marker to detect language difficulties. However, most of the research has been conducted in English language and with children older than 4 years of age. Despite this scarcity, [1] developed a SRT for monolingual Spanish-speaking children between 2 and 4 years of age. Initial findings showed that it is a useful tool for discriminating children with different linguistic levels. In addition, the task showed concurrent validity with a nonword repetition task. In the current study we want to explore the predictive validity of this task.


We conducted a longitudinal study including 20 monolingual Spanish-Speaking children who were tested twice, at 33 months of age and six months later. In addition to the SRT, participants completed a nonword repetition task [2] and the Spanish version of the Merrill-Palmer-R Developmental Scales [3].


showed strong and positive relationships between the different tests when first assessed. We also found strong and predictive relationships between the SRT at time 1 and SRT and the Merrill-Palmer-R at time 2.


We conclude that the SRT developed [1] is a valid tool for examining early language abilities and its changes over time.


Developmental Language Disorder; Early Language Assessment; Grammatical Development; Sentence Repetition; Specific Language Impairment; Nonword Repetition Task


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