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ICF and perception of functioning according to children/adolescents in follow-up with speech/language disorders

Amanda Brait Zerbeto; Maria de Lurdes Zanolli; Regina Yu Shon

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To characterize changes in the functioning aspects, in the perception of children and adolescents with speech and language disorders under speech-language follow-up, using the ICF.


Descriptive, analytical and longitudinal research, with a qualitative and quantitative approach, whose sample consisted of 60 children and adolescents: 30 with speech and language disorders and 30 with typical speech and language development. Data collection was carried out in two moments: beginning of the research and six months later. A semi-structured questionnaire was administered to the participants, and a medical records analysis was performed. From these data, functioning was classified using he ICF categories. The Wilcoxon test and thematic content analysis were used to compare the interviews.


The use of ICF allowed characterizing changes resulting from speech-language follow-up. Participants with speech and language disorders presented a decrease in the magnitude of the qualifiers in the categories: articulation and fluency, social relationships, daily activities, engagement in play, people's attitude barriers, and how to handle stress.


The findings show changes in components of Body Functions, Activities and Participation, and the influence of Environmental Factors after speech-language follow-up, in the perception of the studied group, which brings relevant subsidies for a greater understanding of functioning and therapeutic intervention. The use of the ICF enabled the longitudinal analysis in a biopsychosocial approach, contemplating, in addition to biological aspects, the social impact of speech and language disorders in the lives of these children and adolescents.


International Classification of Functioning; Disability and Health; Language Disorders; Patient Participation; Communication Barriers; Speech Language and Hearing Sciences; Clinical Evolution


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