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Developmental kindergarten classroom intervention for spatial relational terms

Maggie Eising; Courtney Karasinski

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Purpose: Relational ability is a key attribute of language. Knowledge of relational terms, including spatial terms, can facilitate development of relational ability. Acquisition of spatial terms can be challenging and necessitates experience and input due to the abstractness of the concepts. Service delivery models for school-based speechlanguage pathologists (SLPs) are changing from traditional “pull-out” therapy to intervention in the classroom. Response to Intervention (RtI) and multi-tiered system of support (MTSS) frameworks have expanded SLPs’ roles to working with all children at-risk for academic difficulties. Methods: Given the importance of spatial terms, and the changing roles and service delivery models for school-based SLPs, this investigation evaluated a six-week classroom-based intervention targeting spatial terms in a developmental kindergarten classroom of five-year-old children. Results: At post-test, more than half of the children who did not understand the targeted spatial terms at pre-test demonstrated understanding of the words first, front, last, behind, center, below, under, and right by correctly identifying pictures representing these words. Around and left were the only two words learned by fewer than half of the children. Conclusion: These findings augment research used by SLPs providing language support to children within the first tier of Response to Intervention or multi-tiered system of support


Relational Terms; Spatial Terms; Service-Delivery Models; Response to Intervention; Multi-Tiered System of Support


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