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Normative nasalance scores in Chilean adults

Felipe Inostroza-Allende; Mirta Palomares-Aguilera; Matías Gonzalez Jara; Camilo Quezada Gaponov; Carlos Giugliano Villarroel; María Inés Pegoraro-Krook

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Purpose: The present study is aimed towards determining and comparing normative nasalance scores in Chilean Spanish-speaking adult men and women. Methods: 40 women (age range 18 to 35, X = 25.79, SD = 5.83) and 36 men (age range 18 to 35, X = 26.45, SD = 4.08) were invited to participate, all of them without any previous speech therapy, neurological pathologies, intellectual deficits, hearing loss, syndromes, or other diagnosed pathologies that could impact speech production. A study of proper velopharyngeal function was performed, using a perceptual resonance evaluation. Nasalance was determined using a model 6450 Nasometer, during the reading of three standardized speech samples in Spanish: a nasal passage (NP), an oronasal passage (ONP), and an oral passage (OP). Also, the nasalance distance was calculated. Genders were compared using Wilcoxon tests for independent samples. Results: The NP presented the highest percentage of nasalance, with 52.13% (± 4.73), followed by the ONP with 25.38% (± 3.7), and finally the OP, which presented the lowest value of 14.15% (± 5.03). Meanwhile, nasalance distance was 37.98% (± 5.32). Finally, no significant differences were observed when comparing the nasalance between genders (p >0.05). Conclusion: The nasalance values obtained were similar to those observed for other Spanish speakers. Also, male and women showed similar scores. The results of this study are a contribution to the indirect assessment of velopharyngeal function in Chilean adults.


Nasalance; Velopharyngeal Insufficiency; Cleft Palate; Speech and Language Pathology; Speech


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