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Performance in the accuracy task in children with Childhood Apraxia of Speech after an integrated intervention of literacy and motor skills

Karina Carlesso Pagliarin; Marileda Barichello Gubiani; Rafaela Rossini Rosa; Márcia Keske-Soares

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Difficult in literacy skills are often seen in children with Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS). This occurs because oral language has direct relationship with reading and writing learning. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the performance in the accuracy task of an integrated phonoarticulatory awareness, motor skills and literacy intervention of three children with CAS. Three boys between 5;3 and 5;8 years of age, with CAS, were offered 2 hours per week of therapy sessions based on literacy and motor skills. The children were assessed before and after therapy and at a maintenance assessment 1 month after the treatment ceased. The children improved on the accuracy task considering their deficits level. Improvement was maintained at the maintenance assessment. Therapy based on literacy considering phonoarticulatory awareness and motor skills can help children with CAS, but the severity of the children’s communication problems must be taken into consideration.


Apraxia; Speech Therapy; Children; Literacy; Motor Skills


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