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Prevalence of malocclusion in early childhood and its associated factors in a primary care service in Brazil

Natalia de Abreu Pegoraro; Camila Mello dos Santos; Beatriz Carriconde Colvara; Rafaela Soares Rech; Daniel Demétrio Faustino-Silva; Fernando Neves Hugo; Juliana Balbinot Hilgert

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Purpose: to evaluate the prevalence of malocclusion and its associated factors of children cared for by a PHC Service in Porto Alegre, Brazil. Methods: a cross-sectional study nested in a cohort, carried out in 12 Health Care Practices. Of the 414 children in the cohort examined, 268 were assessed for malocclusion. The presence of anterior open bite, posterior and anterior crossbite was evaluated by the criteria of Foster and Hamilton. Socioeconomic variables, breastfeeding habits and pacifier use information were collected through a standardized questionnaire. Data analysis was performed using a hierarchical approach by Poisson Regression with robust variance. Results: out of the total 268 evaluated, 135 (50.4%) were boys, and the average age was 28.6 (± 11.9) months. Out of the 143 (53.4%) cases of malocclusion, 113 were anterior open bite, 16 were anterior crossbite, 27 were posterior crossbite, and 38 had increased overjet. In the final analysis, it was observed that there was a higher prevalence of malocclusion in children who never breastfed (PR = 1.44; 95%CI 1.00-2.08) and who always used a pacifier to sleep (PR = 1.81; 95%CI 1.14-2.86). Conclusion: the prevalence of malocclusion in this population was high and was associated with behavioral habits, such as the use of pacifier and not breastfeeding.


Malocclusion; Primary Health Care; Pediatric Dentistry; Breast Feeding; Pacifiers; Preventive Dentistry


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