Clustering e switching na fluência verbal: comparação entre controles e indivíduos com prejuízo cerebral
Karina Carlesso Pagliarin; Eduarda Giovelli Fernandes; Maryndia Diehl Muller; Caroline Rodrigues Portalete; Rochele Paz Fonseca; Raira Fernanda Altmann
Purpose: The aim of this study is to analyze and compare the performance and strategies used by control subjects and patients with unilateral brain damage on phonemic and semantic Verbal Fluency tasks. Methods: The sample consisted of 104 participants divided into four groups (26 with left hemisphere damage and aphasia- LHDa, 28 with left hemisphere damage and no aphasia- LHDna, 25 with right hemisphere damage- RHD and 25 neurologically healthy control subjects). All participants were administered the phonemic (“M” letter-based) and semantic (animals) verbal fluency tasks from the Montreal-Toulouse Language Assessment Battery (MTL-BR). Results: Patients in the LHDa group showed the worst performance (fewer words produced, fewer clusters and switches) in both types of fluency task. RHD group showed fewer switching productions when compared with controls and LHDna had fewer words productions than controls in the first 30 seconds block. Conclusion: Our findings suggest that the LHDa group obtained lower scores in most measures of SVF and PVF when compared to the other groups
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