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Cross-cultural adaptation of the Chilean version of Evaluation of Ability to Sing Easily: EASE

Equivalencia cultural de la versión Chilena del Evaluation of Ability to Sing Easily: EASE

Soledad Correa; Jean Pierre Contreras Leiva; Daniela Olivares Ramírez; Nicolás Cano Farías

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Purpose: To adapt the Australian singing voice protocol, Evaluation of Ability to Sing Easily (EASE) to Chilean Spanish. Methods: A translation of the EASE to Chilean Spanish was performed and later back translated; these were reviewed by a committee made up of 4 Speech-Language pathologists who created the first version in Chilean Spanish (EASE-CL). The EASE-CL is made up of 22 items, the same as the original, which are answered according to a Likert frequency scale, to which, during its adaptation, the option ‘not applicable’ was added in order to identify the instructions that were not understood or inappropriate for the vocabulary of Chilean singers. This version was applied to 21 professional singers in the Valparaiso Region. During this application there were no suggestions to change any of the instructions. Results: The EASE-CL reflects the original English both in the number of items and in the domains. Conclusion: The cultural and linguistic equivalence of the EASE protocol in Chilean Spanish was demonstrated and the EASE-CL version came to be.


Voice; Singing; Protocols; Quality of Life; Evaluation


Purpose: To adapt the Australian singing voice protocol, Evaluation of Ability to Sing Easily (EASE) to Chilean Spanish. Methods: A translation of the EASE to Chilean Spanish was performed and later back translated; these were reviewed by a committee made up of 4 Speech-Language pathologists who created the first version in Chilean Spanish (EASE-CL). The EASE-CL is made up of 22 items, the same as the original, which are answered according to a Likert frequency scale, to which, during its adaptation, the option ‘not applicable’ was added in order to identify the instructions that were not understood or inappropriate for the vocabulary of Chilean singers. This version was applied to 21 professional singers in the Valparaiso Region. During this application there were no suggestions to change any of the instructions. Results: The EASE-CL reflects the original English both in the number of items and in the domains. Conclusion: The cultural and linguistic equivalence of the EASE protocol in Chilean Spanish was demonstrated and the EASE-CL version came to be.

Palabras clave

Voz; Canto; Protocolos; Calidad de vida; Evaluació


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