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Auditory training in autism spectrum disorder: a case report

Laís Ferreira; Ayra Renata D’Agostini; Fernanda dos Santos Pichini; Eduarda Pazini; Inaê Costa Rechia; Eliara Pinto Vieira Biaggio.

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This study aimed to measure the effects of a Computer-based Auditory Training Program (CBATP) on an adolescent diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD). This is the case report of a male, 14-year-old adolescent diagnosed with ASD. The individual was submitted to basic audiological evaluation, central auditory processing assessment and hearing electrophysiology (EP), pre- and post-therapeutic intervention. Central auditory processing (CAP) was assessed by means of the following instruments: Time-compressed Speech Test (TCST), Random Gap Detection Test (RGDT), Staggered Spondaic Word Test (SSWT), Frequency (Pitch) Pattern Sequence Test (FPST), and Duration Pattern Test (DPT). The P300 component of the Event-related Potential (ERP) was used in the hearing EP. Pre-intervention assessment of CAP showed changes in the auditory skills of closure, figure-ground and temporal ordering, but normal temporal resolution ability. Post-intervention evaluation of CAP showed improvement in all previously mentioned auditory skills, except for the figure-ground ability, which remained unchanged. Regarding the findings of the hearing EP, a decrease in the latency of the P300 component was observed pre- and post-intervention. This study demonstrated that the use of a CBATP resulted in improvement in the hearing abilities assessed in an adolescent diagnosed with ASD.


Autism Spectrum, Disorder Neural, Plasticity, Electrophysiology, Brainstem Auditory Evoked Potentials, Auditory Pathways.


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