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The effect of noise on attention and performance in reading and writing tasks

Renata Adams Fernandes, Deisi Cristina Gollo Marques Vidor, Alcyr Alves de Oliveira.

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Purpose: This study investigated the effects of two levels of noise on the performance of young students of three educational levels and tested their ability to maintain attentional focus in reading and writing tasks. Methods: 162 school children in the third, fourth and fifth grades were placed in three groups according to their educational level: Control Group (CG), Experimental Group A (GEA) and Experimental Group B (GEB). All groups were submitted to a Sustained Attention Test, Reading Assessment and Isolated Words Test and Writing Dictation Sub-test (part of the International Dyslexia Test). The GEA and GEB performed the tests in a noisy environment: 20dB and 40dB, respectively. The CG was assessed in the usual school environmental noise at the same time of the day. The data was submitted to an ANOVA, the Kruskal-Wallis test and Spearman correlation test. Results: The higher the score on the Sustained Attention Test, the shorter the time spent reading and fewer errors in the dictation task. There were no differences across the three grades within the GEA (lower levels of noise) with regard to the effect of noise on attention and in the reading and writing task performance. The higher levels of noise for the GEB, however, decreased the attention levels, therefore increasing mistakes on the dictation test. Comparing the performance across educational levels on the reading tasks, the fourth grade presented decreased reading time, while the third and fifth grades spent more time reading. Conclusion:Auditory interference can influence the ability to focus attention as well as worsen performance in reading and writing tasks at more intense noise levels.


Attention, Handwriting, Learning, Noise, Reading.


This study shows that the level of schooling was influential over attentional performance and reading and writing skills. No influence of the educational level on the effects of the distracter noise was found: the higher the noise intensity, the greater its interference on the tests, regardless of the students’ grade. However, attentional focus could be compensated by maturity, as the results of the Sustained Attention Test show. The students’ cognitive efforts to sustain attention during exposure to noise must be understood as a distraction to be overcome. Therefore, the study shows the importance of a more suitable environment for teaching, acquisition and development of reading and writing. There is a clear need for cooperation among school professionals for analysis and reduction of the negative impact of noise.

Study conducted at the Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciências da Reabilitação, Universidade Federal de Ciências da Saúde de Porto Alegre – UFCSPA, Porto Alegre (RS), Brasil.

Financial support: nothing to declare.




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